Daytona 675, Street Triple 675
rear suspension (5)
Brakes (16)
Chains, Sprockets, Chain Rivet Tool (7)
Control Cables (3)
Control Levers (5)
Electrical (12)
Engine Parts, Gaskets, Seals (13)
Exhaust (3)
Front Suspension and Steering (3)
Fuel, Oil Filters, Air Filters (7)
Gear Change Rubbers and Footrests (4)
Manuals, Miscellaneous (4)
Mirrors (1)
Wheel Bearings & Seals (4)
At Sprint Manufacturing, we have spent many years helping to preserve the heritage of the Triumph motorcycle brand. We are able to supply all the spare parts and accessories you could possibly need, focussing on Triumph models from the past thirty years. Part of our range includes spare parts and accessories for the Triumph Daytona 675.
Now the Daytona model has been discontinued, it can be more difficult to obtain the spare parts and accessories you may need to keep your Triumph motorcycle in good working condition. The Triumph Street Triple 675 is a middleweight naked motorbike and was initially designed as a low cost, entry level bike. A naked bike refers to standard bikes that are for general purposes, with a high level of versatility. They a notable for the upright riding position, as opposed to the reclining posture of a cruiser, or the forward learning position of sports bikes.
The Daytona Street Triple 675 was launched a year after the Daytona, in 2007, providing a naked bike that balances power, handling and entertainment whilst driving. With spare parts from brakes to rear suspension, and accessories from mudguards to luggage racks, we are sure to have something to suit you as part of our Daytona 675 Street Triple range.
If you need some help with finding the right Triumph motorcycle parts, get in touch by completing our online contact form or by emailing us at Alternatively, you can also call us on 01985 850821 to speak to a member of the team directly and we will be happy to help with any questions you may have for us.